Don Paterson
It’s here I would have come to pass away
the final hour before the boat’s departure;
the bluff side of the Law, between the harbour
and the dark, cetacean barrow of Balgay.
Twin trains of headlights inched across the river-
the homebound day-shift - trail-blazing cars\like angels on the starry escalator
of the bridge’s tapering, foreshortened spar.
I tried to see it as a burning lance
angling for the slicked, black shoals of Fife
or a bowsprit, swung and steeved against the south
to help ride out her hellish afterlife:
the stubborn, rammish sap still on my hands,
the taste of her, like a coin laid in my mouth.

Description: Screwed to a broken tree stump atop an overgrown hillock at the side of Dudhope Garden Steps. Geotag co-ords: 56.464980, -2.991526
Date: 08.04.14
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